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Lattice Boom Repair

We repair tubular or angle-type boom generally known as “lattice boom”. We have either repaired or rebuilt just about every type of lattice boom made so our expertise and knowledge will go beyond your expectations. Which is why we are best choice for Tampa Boom Repair Services.

Repairing lattice boom is very specific in nature. We are able to do everything from repairing corrosion damage to lattice replacement to complete rebuilds. We have developed specific lattice boom repair procedures for every type of repair we’ve done that meets or exceeds manufacture specifications.

With 7 certified welders, one being Manitowoc certified for lattice replacement, we have the capabilities of meeting any needs when it comes to lattice boom repair.

Hydraulic Boom Repair

Along with lattice boom repair we have rebuilt and/or repaired thousands of hydraulic booms off of cranes, excavators, backhoes and loaders by all manufacturers. As well as the lattice boom repairs, there are designed procedures for all types of hydraulic boom repair. Hydraulic boom repair consists of everything from cold straightening deflection in the boom using hydraulics to replacing the steel in all four sides of a badly damaged boom. A514 (commonly referred to as T1), or 100,000psi yield steel and Weldox 960 (140,000psi yield) steel are the two most common types utilized in our repairs. We will provide documentation on the mill run specs that includes among other properties, the tensile and yield strength. Click here for our Mobile services. Be sure to follow us on Facebook. We have been providing boom repair services for over 35 years and expertise to get your project completed in a timely manner.

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